we are one
frequency of love

Embodiment and leadership mentor showing you new pathways to leverage your divine feminine energy to CREATE more impact & more income grounded in the power of your WOMB.

Your womb is not just a place to give birth to a baby; it is a place and a state of being that gives birth to you, that gives birth to new realities, that holds a power of profound transformation for you and for those you are called to serve.”

— Fiorella Amado @joyful.latina

Womb Wealth

Activate your source of creative potential, vitality, boundless well-being, sensual power, and manifestation ✨

Trauma-informed somatic practices to embody the power of your divine feminine energy

Lead from your womb to birth a life and business that aligns social impact and profitability


Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. ✨Everything has frequency


Healy is the world's first wearable micro-current quantum frequency device.

Healy has medical and non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies (IMF) to help balance mind and body, relieve stress, reduce pain and harmonize energy.

There are thousands of testimonials from people around the world sharing how Healy has helped them to improve their sleep, headaches, physical pain, anxiety, depression, and so much more.


What would shift for you if you never,  ever, had to make another decision based on whether or not you can afford something? 

Instead, you made decisions based on what is in deepest alignment for you.

Freedom to choose without restriction, or scarcity, is true wealth.

I am here to help you guide others to true financial freedom so we can live our dream life from a place of nourishment and overflow.


The Freedom Frequency Family is a community committed to full self-expression and freedom through weaving together Frequency, Community, and Wealth Creation.

As a member of this community, you have access to a beautiful ecosystem of resources, done for you systems, trainings, zoom calls, and connection that will guide you and bridge where you are now, and where you want to be.

Sacred Feminine Empowerment

Unleash your feminine power nourishing yourself with sacred rituals

Sacred Cacao Ceremony

The LOVE of Mother Earth

Ancestral sacred ceremony to open up the energy in your heart chakra, supported by Cacao, a heart-opening plant medicine used for indigenous people to heal body and mind by aligning oneself into the highest frequency of the LOVE of Mother Earth ~ Pachamama.

Womb Initiation Ceremony


The WOMB is a woman’s feminine core, the generator of tremendous creative potential, vitality, boundless well-being, sensual power, and manifestation.

Are you ready to use this POWER to CREATE more impact and more income?


✨Trauma-informed somatic meditation from my womb to yours✨

A nourishing GIFT for you to awake your CREATRIX power

Intention: Leverage your divine feminine energy to CREATE more impact and more income

Allow me to guide you in side your sacred feminine body to remember you, YOU ARE:

  • A SACRED CREATRIX: bestower of life, you can birth yourself and birth new streams of nourishing income

  • A DIVINE GODDESS: a sacred women, a wisdom keeper, with a mission and medicine to share and impact lives

  • A POWERFUL LEADER: grounded in the power of your womb, you take space and speak up your truth unapologetically!


  • Grab your headphones and create a safe and sacred space for you. A place where you will not be interrupted for at least 30 minutes.

  • Using sage or palo santo to clear the space its highly encourage it.

Most important, ENJOY tasting the wealth of your womb.