✨Trauma-informed somatic meditation from my womb to yours✨

A nourishing GIFT for you to awake your CREATRIX power

Intention: Leverage your divine feminine energy to CREATE more impact and more income

Allow me to guide you in side your sacred feminine body to remember you, YOU ARE:

  • A SACRED CREATRIX: bestower of life, you can birth yourself and birth new streams of nourishing income

  • A DIVINE GODDESS: a sacred women, a wisdom keeper, with a mission and medicine to share and impact lives

  • A POWERFUL LEADER: grounded in the power of your womb, you take space and speak up your truth unapologetically!

Practicalities: Grab your headphones and create a safe and sacred space for you. A place where you will not be interrupted for at least 30 minutes. Using some sage or palo santo to clear up the space its highly encourage it.

Most important, ENJOY tasting the wealth of your womb.